viernes, 1 de agosto de 2014


Working toward a better world.


“la compasión del Humanismo ha de extenderse a todo: a los seres humanos, y a todo lo creado – a los animales, plantas y a la creación inanimada en este universo” -esto es el NeoHumanismo.

What we do:

Fundación NeoHumanista
Fundacion NeoHumanista is a Non-Profit organization based in Puerto Rico, dedicated to performing secular humanitarian work to benefit every living creature.
“No debemos olvidar ni por un momento que este mundo es una gran familia donde la naturaleza no le ha  asignado propiedades a un individuo en particular.  … Cuando la propiedad de este universo ha sido heredada por todas las criaturas, ¿cómo puede justificarse que algunos reciban  abundancia en exceso, mientras otros mueren por un puñado de granos?”

En Puerto Rico:

  • Enlace con organizaciones e individuos afines con la misión y visión.
    • Tom Spontelli
    • Planeta Feliz
    • AMAR
    • Juan Lumar
  • Charlas sobre: NeoHumanismo, Educación NeoHumanista, Yoga, Espiritualidad, Meditación, escuelas AMSAI

 Our activities have included:

·         2004 – participated in the Expo – Quality of life of Natural Awakenings
·         2005 — Obtained donation from the organization INKARRI of $8,000.00 which helped start an AMSAI  school in Anse a Pitre, Haiti.
·         2006 — Sponsored seminars  in various towns in Puerto Rico related to yoga and meditation and talks by the AMSAI’s school Director .
o    Puerto Rico Social Forum, UPR – Rio Piedras.
·         2007 – CORA – Aguadilla, “Emigración, trafico de personas y derechos humanos”.
o    Fund raising for Acupuncture Institute in Ananda Nagar, India
o   Talks about the schools in Haiti at:  Architecture Department, UPR, Rio      Piedras; ‘Comité de Solidaridad con el Pueblo de Haití.
o   Participated in the ‘CAOS Invernal’ Conference
·         2008 – started newsletter ‘Gente nueva’ as a means to exalt positive activities and thinking in the southwest coast of Puerto Rico and to raise funds for the projects dedicated to humanitarian work.

In Haiti:

  • Help the Ananda Marga Special Academic Institutions (AMSAI) – Schools
  •  Donativos para Escuelas:  AMSAI, Haití
  • Apadrinamiento de maestros y estudiantes
FNH has been very active for several years in Haiti – partnering with ‘Ecole Ananda Marga’ and its organization AMURTEL (Ananda Marga Universal Relief Team), helping raise funds to build schools and  develop social programs.  We are working hard to keep these programs running along with our partner NGO’s.
·         2009 — FNH working together with AMURTEL, Planeta Feliz, MAYE (from Spain) and Tom Spontelli (symphatizer of suffering humanity)  helped with the construction of a nursery for planting trees, vegetables and  planted fruit trees at the secular school in Haiti. Our sympathizer Tom Spontelli observed that the schools’ buildings were built with high quality materials. The earthquake of January 2010 leveled most of the schools in the Port au Prince area.  
·         2010 — The schools with which we work in coordinated fashion survived the quake and have been used as emergency disaster relief centers for the dispensing of primary medical services, food distribution, refugee camp support, building of sanitation facilities, and finally as a central management point for providing educational services to children in the camps.
o   Participated in the 2010 Expo – Quality of life of Natural Awakenings to raise funds for the relief work in Haiti and to promote the organization and our work.
o   The school at Port au Prince survived the earthquake but is at risk of being destroyed by  debris carried by flood waters (a river runs along side of it) and by debris falling from an earthquake destroyed home uphill from its location.
·         2010 — Will partner with ADRA (Adventist Development and Relief Organization, Mayaguez) to build wooden houses to be used as volunteer facilities, schools, medical clinics and most important Childrens Home for at least 9 orphaned children at three localities in Haiti – Kenscoff, Chiotte and Anse a Pitre.  Also from this partnership deep water and artisian wells  will be constructed.

Our point of difference:

Fundación NeoHumanista is different from the majority of other volunteer organizations in that we are run by volunteers voluntarily.  We do not have to recoup staff and salary costs for administration.
1. Amor Universal, Ecología, y Sentimiento Devocional
2. Universalismo
3. El Principio de Igualdad Social y Sentido de Justicia
4. Liberación del Intelecto, Racionalidad y Despertar de la Conciencia
5. Cambios sociales Revolucionarios
6. Lucha en Contra de la Pseudo-Cultura